BlogAdviceMissing SEO Data On Google Analytics

Missing SEO Data On Google Analytics

So, this morning, we were checking our Google analytics account and found that all of our “Search Engine Optimization” data under “Acquisition” has completely disappeared. We can no longer see our queries or top performing landing pages for 2 of our properties. However, the data is still there in Google Search Console.

Our data all seemed fine yesterday. This has left us scratching our heads a little bit, as we haven’t changed our tracking codes or anything else that could lead for this data to disappear.

Here is a screenshot of what we’re seeing


We’re getting the same when we click on “Landing Pages”

A similar thing seemed to have happened to quite a lot of users back in February of this year, but with sessions rather than query data. Search Engine Round Table reported this and Google held their hands up and admitted an error. In this case however it seems we are the only ones experiencing the problem.

We will continue to monitor this situation, and try and find a solution. If anyone else has experienced this, please let us know in the comments or on our Twitter or Facebook page.

UPDATE: We have now fixed this issue. It all comes down to to the associated search console account being picked up as wrong (for reasons we have no idea why). What you need to do is;

  • Have an admin completely remove all association between the analytics and search console account
  • Re-add the URL you wish to track

Once you have carried out the above, all your data should be back. Bare in mind that SEO data is often 2 days behind anyway.

3 thoughts on “Missing SEO Data On Google Analytics

  1. Hi Tom. We have exactly the same thing. All search engine data has disappeared from our sites up to July 9 and the data after that makes no sense. was just looking at it 2 days ago.

  2. Recently I had an issue with everything lagging behind. Both console and anlytics had no data for a whole previous week. Now analytics shows the day of, but for some reason search console won’t show anything for the previous 2 days.

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