BlogAdviceWordpressIs your website actually yours?

Is your website actually yours?

It’s yours, but it’s not yours.

Since day one, we have always made it clear to customers that when the final payment is made on a project we are working on, the website/app/software/etc then belongs to that client in full. No strings, no catches – easy peasy.

Do you know why we state this? Its because many web companies out that actually retain the ownership of the website they create for you even after you have paid for it in full!? I honestly dont know why they do this, and I dont understand how its become quite a normal thing to see, either.

Tip 1# Ask “Will I own my website once I have paid the final invoice?”

It’s yours, but it wont work unless you stay with us.

Another mind-blowing scenario I have come across, is when someone has a website built by a company that are 100% focused an niched in one industry. IE companies that make websites for schools, or hotels.

They often use modified versions of WordPress and have a ton of bells and whistles they’ve made for it that are epic for the niche they are in. They will often let you move to a new host, but as they are worried their “secret sauce” will be copied, they only let you have the bear minimum.

This then means you can’t actually rehost the website anywhere other than with them, without having significant development work done to essentially “rebuild” the website to work with vanilla WordPress.

Tip 2# If the company mention they use their own CMS or a modified version of WordPress, Ask “How will that work if I wish to one day host elsewhere?

It’s yours, but it’s also someone else’s.

The final mind-blower for me is the “web design companies” that just reuse the same layout over and over again but change some colours and content and claim to be web professionals. Don’t get me wrong, I believe there is room in the world for most of these companies – as there will always be a need for cheap “startup” web solutions. The issue is when companies like ours are up against businesses like those as we usually suggest custom layouts and bespoke designs.

If a CEO of a company is reviewing 3 quotes for “a new website” and one of them is from us – we will be the most technical,. the most thorough, but we probably won’t be the cheapest so we often won’t get the work.

Tip 3# If you are getting quotes from a handful of Web Design Agencies, ensure you are getting quotes for the same thing to avoid going with a misleading cheap solution that won’t actually be suitable for your needs in the long run. Ask “Have you made this website for anyone else before? Are you reusing things from other jobs?”

And that’s that.

Don’t make expensive mistakes, do your due diligence and make sure you choose a suitable web partner to help you achieve your goals.

If you would like to see if we may be a good fit for you, then schedule a free 165 minute appointment with our director Olly:

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